Electrolux Blast Chillers

Browse through our selection of blast chillers, flash freezers, & blast freezers!

Brand: Electrolux
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Electrolux 727742
Electrolux 727742

49" Freestanding SkyLine ChillS 102 Blast Chiller / Shock Freezer, 10 Pan Capacity

$34,811.15Ā /ea

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Our blast chillers are a great way to store and preserve cooked foods while maintaining freshness and quality. The blast chilling process allows for the conservation of flavor and nutrients. We offer a variety of sizes and capacity levels from high-quality brands such as American Panel and Olis Equipment. At GoFoodservice, we strive to provide the most competitive prices industry-wide! Select a blast chiller from our listings to preserve the food in your restaurant!

Choosing a reliable commercial blast chiller will ensure that your food remains fresh and ready for use when needed. Blast chillers & flash freezers are designed to cool your food quickly and immediately to eliminate any potential bacteria growth in your preserved food. They are built to cool cooked food at 158 degrees Fahrenheit down to 37 degrees in about 90 minutes. GoFoodservice offers blast chillers & blast freezers available in several different styles, height sizes, and capacities. No matter what type of blast freezer or flash freezer you are looking for, we are ready to help you find what you need! If you do not see a specific unit or have questions regarding our selection above, contact us for more help!