Restaurant Printed Promotional Materials Guide (Flyers, Business Cards)
While a good marketing campaign for your restaurant will include social media and online marketing tools, you must also consider the more traditional marketing, such as print advertising. Traditional marketing with print, such as flyers and business cards, will help you find success with your local customer base.
Why Go With Printed Materials?
Some of the printed materials are self-explanatory, such as business cards, but you may wonder if it's worth your investment for flyers or mailers. Absolutely. You'll quickly see a number of benefits when you use them. What type of printed materials can you use? Consider the following list:
- Printed sample menus
- Special announcements for holidays
- Coupons and promotions
- Business card
- Calenders and other giveaways
Printed Materials Are Tangible
Unlike social media posts, printed marketing materials are tangible. This means once they receive them, your customer can hold and touch the paper. They might place your flyer or postcard on their refrigerator or in the office breakroom, to be used later when they're hungry. Although they might not act on it instantly, your marketing material will keep reminding them of your brand and what you offer. This is a good benefit over social media, which can be less permanent in the customer's mind.
You Can Measure Their Success Easily
With printed marketing materials, you can include coupons and promotions. As you have customers come to receive the discounts, you'll be able to quantify exactly how many people acted on their mailers or flyers. This information can come quicker than studying social media statistics for your restaurant, and you'll be able to also see your ROI.
Do Efficient Targeted Marketing
If you have an office or business nearby that you'd like to target, printed promotional materials for your restaurant let you target these businesses easily. You can create special discounts for local members of the community, letting them know you appreciate their business. You not only network with other businesses, but you also create the potential for more sales. If you offer delivery, a delivery menu is always welcome at most businesses.
Enjoy Diverse Marketing
Print marketing for your restaurant is diverse, and lets you extend your marketing in several ways. You may mail a postcard announcing your new loyalty program or happy hour, while a flyer slipped under a door or placed on a windshield is another way to get the word out about your business. A business card for your restaurant lets anyone you meet know you're in the restaurant business, and informs them of your branding. You may even incorporate text on the back of the card advertising your social media accounts, or offering a coupon.
Tips for Printed Marketing Materials for Your Restaurant
After you decide to use printed materials, you need to make sure you get them right the first time.
Keep Branding Consistent
With each piece of marketing material you create, be sure your branding is consistent. You want your audience to know exactly who you are and what type of food you offer, and the branding communicates that message. You don't want a potential customer to see a flyer that looks like it came from a pizza restaurant if you're really a Mexican grill. This is the importance of branding.
Consider All the Details
If you're an elegant restaurant, you want to have marketing materials that reflect this. You can't dismiss the quality of paper in your marketing materials. The same goes for photographs you might include on a flyer or postcard. You want to put the best impression forth the first time, so your targets see why your restaurant is worth visiting immediately. Don't forget to check for typos, misspellings, and other errors before sending your materials out to the masses.
Include Hours and Contact Information
As you put together your materials, you need to remember to put contact information such as social media accounts, but also hours, phone number and web address. Always include a physical address as well, so someone can find your business without needing to go to a computer for location information.
Your restaurant marketing campaign can encompass many elements, but one of the best offerings is printed promotional materials. Not only are they affordable, but they're one of the best ways to get the notice out about your business, and give them something they can act on.
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