Franke Measuring Cups & Portion Spoons

Browse our selection of measuring cups, measuring spoons, portion cups, & portion spoons!

Brand: Franke
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Franke 1558340
Franke 1558340

1000 ml Measuring Jug

$23.98 /ea


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As any chef, cook, or restaurateur knows, there’s a science to recreating consistently great menu items that keep your customers coming back for more; and to get that science down just right, you’ll need a quality set of measuring spoons and measuring cups. That’s why here at GoFoodservice we carry a complete selection of portion spoons and portion cups in virtually all styles and sizes to suit the needs of any commercial kitchen. Come browse through our line-up of quality made measuring spoons and measuring cups made by the top name brands in the industry, including Cambro, FMP, Vollrath, Anchor Hocking, Winco, and Browne Foodservice. We have the styles and sizes to fit your operations whether you’re looking for individual measuring pieces or large sets of portion spoons and portion cups. Set your business up for success and make recreating your menu recipes truly foolproof with the right, quality measuring tools. You’ll be blown away by our comprehensive selection of commercial kitchen equipment and tools, and you can always be sure that you’re getting the most competitive deals on the market.