The Basics of a Wine Tasting Room

The Basics of a Wine Tasting Room

When it comes to wine, people are usually very careful when they pick their preferred bottle of liquor. If they’re going to pay some good money on a bottle, they want to get something worthwhile.

A wine tasting room can be beneficial to both the seller and the customer. Not only will it offer perspective to the customer, but it will also make sure to bring more clients your way – if only just for the curiosity.

A wine tasting room can be a great experience – provided you know how to run it.

Why Should You Have a Wine Tasting Room?

Generally, if a customer has a good time in your wine tasting room, not only will they come to you the next time they want to get a taste – but they’ll also recommend it to their friends and family. Not everyone trusts random advertising – so if the recommendation comes from a friend, they’ll be more likely to visit your establishment.

Overall, here are some benefits to opening a wine tasting room:

It Builds Personal Connections

If a customer is pleased with the personnel, they are more than likely to return to the establishment. For this reason, most wine tasting rooms are built in vineyards where customers can slowly sip from their wine and engage in dialogue with various other people.

This would be a great opportunity for the staff to also connect with the customers. If they have a memorable experience, they are bound to return for a second round.

It Sets the Business for Success

To get the best of a wine tasting room, you might want to invest in the longest counter that you can find. This way, people can chat with the staff – and not have to wave at a waiter from a table in the middle of the room. This is a feature that sets wine tasting rooms apart from classic restaurants.

Frequent Questions on Wine Tasting Rooms

Every owner of a wine tasting room eventually comes across a couple of frequently asked questions. Not only will the answers take away the cloud of confusion, but they will also teach you the basics of owning a wine tasting room.

Q: Should the wine samples be charged?

A: It is expected for customers to pay a small fee; after all, wine is expensive, and not charging for it will place you, the owner, into a financial hole. Tipping, however, is not expected for these small amounts.

Some wineries try to attract their customers by offering a refund for their tasted wine as long as they buy two or more bottles by the time they leave the wine tasting room.

Q: What is the appropriate quantity for a wine sample?

A: Generally, a sample of wine is just about half the usual serving – which is 2-3 ounces. When you pick up the glasses for wine tasting, make sure that they are large enough so that the customer can fully feel the aroma when they swirl the liquid. They need to taste the wine – not get drunk on it.

Q: In what order should I bring the samples?

A: Generally, you may want to start with the white wines – and then introduce the red wine at a later time. White wine is more delicate than red wine, which has a bolder taste. This way, the reds won’t compromise the taste of the whites, and the aroma can get more pronounced as it goes.

Q: Are people going to spit the wine out?

A: Yes, they most likely will. While it may be inappropriate to spit in any other circumstances, it is not so uncommon in a wine tasting room. Customers are there to feel the taste of wine, pick out their favorite – and not get drunk before they even get to the good part.

You may want to make spittoons available so that the guests can spit the contents. Furthermore, you shouldn’t be offended if you see the guests throwing away what remained of the sample. It just means that they got the taste, and they want to move on to the next round.

You should also make sure that you have water available for your guests. They’ll need something to cleanse the palate between tastings.

Training the Staff for Wine Tasting

The staff should be knowledgeable in the art of wine tasting not only for themselves but for the guests as well. There are certain wine flavor wheels that you need to make sure the staff is familiar with. This way, they can train the customers in return.

Here are some senses that need to be trained:

  • Sight: What does the color of the wine look like? Is it light, marking a young wine – or is it deeper, meaning that the wine is aged? What about the viscosity? These aspects can tell a lot about wine.
  • Smell: You can get the full scent of a wine by swirling it into the glass and then immediately placing your nose at the opening of the glass.
  • Touch: How does the wine feel in your mouth? Is it dense, or is it watery? A viscous wine is generally a sign of a high-quality, aged wine.

Encourage the customers to try as many options as they can. Even if they say they don’t like a certain type of wine, they may be surprised if they come across a variety that they actually enjoy.

Final Thoughts

A wine tasting room may be a positive experience for both the staff and the customers. They’re fun, they’re classy, and they might help you to sell some wine. Best of all, a wine tasting room generally attracts classy people that are in for the taste – which means you won’t be dealing with drunken customers.


  1. comment authorHollis Jan 13, 2020

    Nice info, helpful

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