Digestive Health Improvement With Probiotics

20 million citizens across America suffer from chronic digestive issues. This ranges from diabetes and certain forms of cancer to simple hypertension. 72% of American citizens at large regularly experience at least one symptom of digestive distress. And 44% of people worldwide went to work in the past month with digestive issues.

This makes attempts at improving digestion and digestive health an important issue, not just in the U.S, but around the world. This comes at the hand of the decline in the quality of the gut microbiome. Basically, the increase in poor quality, high sugar foods alongside a decrease in time spent working out and outside has led to decreased gut health

There are lots of factors that go into the quality of the gut microbiome, the food that goes into the body determines the bacteria that inhabit the gut for one. While oxygen concentration, pH level, and population of digestive enzymes are a few other smaller factors that can lead to significant differences in the gut microbiome.

It’s been proven time and time again that the gut microbiome is a major factor of health. Reductions in its health are dangerous not just for the digestive system but the immune system and even brain function. So what can one do to increase gut health and move towards a more healthy body at large? There are a wide range of fixes.

A lot of these fixes are going to be major or minor lifestyle changes. Eating more organic and natural foods, starting to consistently workout, and spending more time outside every day are just a few. These aren’t realistic options for everyone though, especially those who are struggling to get by and find free time.

Eating healthily can be expensive and in certain areas near impossible. Working out is possible in smaller capacities but can be time-consuming and expensive as well. Spending time outside is the most realistic option but for those who work an early or late shift, there may be no natural time during the day to do so.

So for these people, and those who just want a supplement alongside lifestyle changes, probiotics present themselves. Probiotics work by putting live, positive bacteria into one's gut microbiome. This transforms the digestive tract into a more healthy and effective system. This can be done, in part, through certain foods like yogurt and cheese, but more effectively through supplements.

In practice this has been confirmed to be effective in reducing multiple forms of diarrhea, clostridium difficile infections, and general symptoms of digestive discomfort. More prospectively there are also predicted positives in treating dermatitis, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, metabolic disorders, and food allergies.

It can be hard to tell when probiotics are the correct option, but beyond consulting a doctor there are a few key signs. A consistent upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and heartburn are some of the more obvious signs. Although other signs like bloating and rapidly fluctuating weight are actually also signs of poor gut and digestive health.

Do Probiotics Really Work?: Why Probiotics are Necessary

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